Why every brand needs their own webshop

11. Juli 2022


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Episode 4 of 10 – Why every BRAND needs their own WEBSHOP.
50% of manufacturers are still weighing the pros & cons if a webshop is the right thing to do. The other 50% are under-utilizing their webshop’s potential. This will help you to improve your situation.

It does not matter if you are a B2C or a B2B company.

Your OWN WEBSHOP can be much more than an additional sales channel:

  • There is no way of getting closer to your CUSTOMERS.
  • It is your best source of generating DATA about your customers‘ preferences.
  • You get the chance to INTERACT with your most precious asset – your customers, who are willing to pay for your products and services.


  • It is so much easier to improve your offering if you get immediate and direct FEEDBACK from your customers.
  • You just have to implement processes that enable your organization to LEARN from this feedback and to ADAPT to it.

This is where I can help you.

Contact me to get a free ASSESSMENT of your current sales channel approach.

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